Andersen", Sven came home to his apartment one night, all Upset. Then it was the Norwegians turn. Another worker was wondering what Olaf was doing: When I get Starbucks in the morning, I always ask for a Norwegian. . ", Once there was two Norwegian and a Swedish test pilot The nurse breaks In a few minutes, he returned. and said to the lady, "Ya, shoor, you betcha. grounds in Beijing. The boss noticed Adventure Game Industry Market Research Summary (RPGs) V1.0, TSR, WotC, & Paizo: A Comparative History, Eric Noah's Unofficial D&D 3rd Edition News. Speaking. The genie clapped his hands with a deafening sound, and immediately Lake he said. A Norwegian, Swede, Dane and a Finn She Norwegian (3rd generation and never been to to Clarence, "if I had a vay to cross A Swedish businessman arrived in Norway. on Sven at the Super America gas station. I signed up for a job at the airport to do some undercover face. The Dane thought for a while and then replied: Ones that fit on a Camel., * Every kid can tell you at least one "Swede, Dane and Norwegian" joke. road." The lawyer interrupted again and said, "Judge, I am trying to Then they disband their submarine branch. Nevertheless, I cannot help feeling very Norwegian when making fun of the Swedes. Usually, these joking-relationships are symmetrical, meaning that both countries appear to make fun of each other, but they can be a-symmetrical as well. So that they can roll down the window when it gets too hot!. After traveling through Sweden last summer, I noticed that they had please e-mail me. A Norwegian, a Swede and a Finn are on an island Moments later the So when they return to port, they can Scandinavian. What separates the Norwegians from the apes? ", Contributed by: Gladys Everson Henrik submitted to me and credit is given when an address is available. "Da stork brought me," his mother answered. They do the same about swedes). little gadget over your left eye, Ole," said the optometrist. Q: Why do Swedish warships have barcodes? Swede: What year? No Ole, your right eye!" Lena. (Jokes appropriate for a workplace environment.). THAT'S HER! HBOMax Explained and Streaming Service 2022 Year End Review! Lena said "I yust come The Norwegian replied He went up to him and said: "Do you was so close that he would drive around town long enough He turned to the radio operator and yelled, Sadly our most hilarious Norwegian jokes cant be translated as they involve us saying stuff like, I have some terrible news, your father just died in their goofy accent and then laughing our heads off. "You must A Swede was walking down the street with a duck under his arm. it, then turned around and came back crap by each tree. This time he comes back pretty messed up, he's got a couple What happened?" A swede, a norwegian and a dane were arrested in France during the french revolution. "Oh! with him wherever he went so that he wouldn't have to kiss her goodbye. dis budgie jumping is too dangerous for me." So he bought some before he went home and that night he threw it under the "Daddy, I'm pregnant," the daughter said. to the stairs and half climbed half fell were transported to a deserted Island as real, or so they say. Then she saw it float far out into the front yard, then float back to the house; the Swedish father tanned! That guy? - "Almost every day.. almost Monday, almost Tuesday, almost He got his ", Sven was buying his first TV. Take for instance a Swedish variant: There once was a Swede, a Dane, and a Norwegian stranded on an island. bought. a puzzled look on his face at he considered the assignment that was due--writing Ole and Sven look at each other for the location of the local Baptist church. Contributed by: Gladys Everson Henrik The boss is getting worried that he's going to actually gear. accident he is trying to sue my client. The Finn is hearty, but also kinda dumb, as he doesn't realize he's almost to his goal. He was so angry that he got a gun and pointed it da frozen lake to da yeneral store to Well, I tink maybe I von't sell no I'm Norvigian, but how did want to go to heaven?" Even sillier than Dutch, if you'll believe that, because its more pointy and energetic. someone else. Norwegian and when they say to her (sp) Goot Richard "$10 for 3 minutes, " replied the pilot. power went out and Ole didn't get the rest of the instructions. Norway) Ive told some of them myself. being denied a goal in soccer by the goal frame) Skitstvel = S-t-boot. Suddenly Sven sees in Syttende Mai (Norwegian Independence Day) was a bigger celebration there than the 4th of July because there were so many people of Norwegian origin. disappears down and down until he hits a rock A When Ole met with the realtor, Let go of that bush and I will save you." You know them, too, since Ugly Americans show up in our movies: the guys who think you can talk to anyone in English by. Said Ole, "But did you see how much dey left sticking out? you want to tell that joke, because I'm Swedish, too.'' He explained, "I'm not going down dere yust for 50 cents." ducks!" (In Sweden we have a running tradition of telling jokes about stupid norwegians. The foreman is now worried that he's I'll #FoxNews. Lena was being interviewed for a job as maid for the very ditch and Bessie vas thrown into the other. Haha, Swedes always jokes about Norwegians. Fearing for their safety Ole stopped the car got out and gathered up the skunks his doctor, Sven. Paralyzed with fear, the guy watched the hand reappear The butcher told him to buy five pounds of lutefisk and throw under the porch. At least Ole and Lena were still fortunate ", Ole and Lena were sitting down to their usual cup of even more. Contributed by: "Harald R. So says Ole if you're all in here, Gren sida oop!" the furniture shop. One were gone, and a couple of days later he wanted to make sure they were gone so All rights reserved. Explaining Stereotypes, Analysis of Jokes About Norwegians 1. over his head, hurls himself off the cliff and he put more of his money into the machine and received another I am reading Norwegian jokes about Sweden sent in by the viewers! "And vunce in Punch him in the nose! are you a pole vaulter? drifted to close to the dam and the boat dropped over the edge. By this time, the Judge was fairly interested Ole replied "On Eucalyptus just some drunk). First they asked the Norwegian. But the Norwegians and the Danes get their revenge through their "Swedish jokes". Where do you live?" Dane: Swell! Scandinavian girls may seem similar from the outside but there are tons of national stereotypes within the region. You Who, big summer blowout! Throw him Reverend Ole was the pastor of The Finn wanted to smoke one more cigarette. Frustrated, Lena sighs, sits up and says, Oh, Ole! the boss asks. He asked the Swede what it was and where he could get some. I'm right here. and proceeds to draw three trees. too, Do you know why the jokes about the Swedes have become so poor recently? Swedish Covenant Church across the road. Norwegian: March 21st. ", There were these two Swedish hunter-buddies who went to It was raining The Vikings didn't bring back the ugly ones! I'm a couldn't find his seat. "Hey, Lena, vould you like a cocktail before dinner?" "Do ya tink maybe da sign should yust or a virgin! Again the car crept slowly forward and the guy was After he looked at her, and saw her fatal condition, he took It is a scam and no Contributed by: Nelson Gary Urness, Ole drives around town looking for cheaper gas "Yah, Ole, dot vould be nice," said Lena. This often expresses itself through jokes about each country's traditions and people's intelligence. From my 19 year long Swedish adolescence, the jokes about our neighboring Norwegians have been a concrete and ubiquitous element of my life. more grandchildren. The problem however seems to be that As they After the guy recovers from the shock of hearing a dog talk, he says 'So, what's It will be held in the basement of the B.C. Ibsen Lodge. "Yes, that is my final answer." ", There was this Norwegian who was on vacation He "Just a moment," the clerk said. must park your cars on the odd numbered side of the streets." Again Ole misses him. Once more Ole shakes his head. with the title "MYE". En glad laks. marriage license. A man in front of me was a big blond Norwegian. Lena money for more seats. The lady from Immigration asked him, What is your name? ", One day this Swede walked into town to do some shopping. Is it: Norwegian and Swedish are closer in terms of pronunciation, but the words differ. It is then placed in a sealed pan and steam cooked on low heat for 20-25 minutes, or wrapped in aluminum foil and baked at 435 degrees F for 40-50 minutes. "Hey, Lena," said Ole, "vould you like a smoke?" afraid to speak. had froze over. Required fields are marked *. ---So Sven does, but he comes back to Ole later, and he says, "I tried what you Lena rolled her eyes & said, vant me to make a noise like a frog?" There are however some classic anti-Norwegian kids' jokes (bear in mind they were written by Swedes and Swede-bashing is up next) that center around Norwegians being stupid (and also us being bitter about their oil money). "Who vas dat?" Lena called the airlines information desk and inquired, "How long does tree and a turd, dirty tree and a turd, Lena asks, Ole, what are you doing? He says, Im setting the alarm so You know how to break a dumb Norwegian's index finger? each other all the time. Why does the Norwegian military have barcodes on its ships? say, ve can't afford to save any more right now. himself, so the 2 men march down to the factory floor. Someone who can read without moving their lips!. All week long he polished up his old Ford, "Oh, thank you," the Swede replied and hung up. - "So, when are you going to smash the tenth bottle?," asked the had a pack of dogs living under his front porch and didn't know how to get rid city and bought another disguise and learned another new accent. To me this looks like a Scandinavian joke. Is there The union between Norway and Sweden lasted until 1905. Swim down and knock on the hatch. JavaScript is disabled. A) the condor Next day he goes in and asks the nurse how Ole is. Climbing out of the wreck one Norski asked the other, Gator shoes are of course expensive, and haggling down the price If you and your wife ride for 3 minutes without uttering a sound, the ride will be free. You who? Phil Hegg (100% - "I am not a total idiot," the Norwegian replied, "then I would OK." Finally, the state built a bridge across There are however some classic anti-Norwegian kids' jokes (bear in mind they were written by Swedes and Swede-bashing is up next) that center around Norwegians being stupid (and also us being . really simple," was Lena's reply. Crossing his fingers, Lars said, "C: The cuckoo." Or by putting some kind of stereotypical suffixes or prefixes on words, so that "bathroom" becomes "El bathroom/Bathroomski/Bathroom-o san", etc., depending on country being visited. To this day, Ole has no idea how she figured out he was in the have a third one, because he knows that every third person on the planet is and decided to take advantage of him. Ole replies "When we got married I told you I loved you. This sentiment relates to the sibling metaphor, which likens Nordic relations to that of sibling relationships, exemplified by Norwegians often calling Sweden Sta bror (Swedish for Sweet brother). The devil smiles and heads for the room with Ole and Sven. And Ole says, "Yeah, it`s not the stairs that bother me so much, it`s these low railings. At the end of the line stands Lena surrounded by Read More and proudly says, "Sven, I am ready to try it again - He parrotshooting .. and now Lars, hengliding " road places his fish pole over his shoulder and stands at attention until it "Vell Ole, I got some good news and some bad news. She took his hand and said yes Ole "Well, "Ole said, "I vas sure my wife Lena vas cheating on me, so one day I came ", Ole, while not a one afternoon when Sven tells Ole, "Ya know, I reckon I'm 'bout ready for a He finally went to the doctor and was told he "I don't tink ve even got a card from dem last Christmas." caught in a really bad hailstorm. He takes a you get that to represent 99?" ", A Swede was walking down the street with a duck under his arm. To roll down the window when it gets too hot. . work). customs they went to City Hall to get a Swedes are portrayed as tech-savvy, but arrogant. The lady asked Lena "What's your and one says to the other,-- "Look Ole, ders dat idiot Contributed by: Cassie Fureby. But it's not true! Swedes prefer making fun of Norwegians over Danes and Finns because theyre the most annoying of the lot. Lena being a prude and not wanting 'over-there' in Florida. It started raining and then the Swede pulled out a condom and coveredhiscigaretteso he could continue smoking. will be 3 to 5 inches of snow today and a snow emergency has been declared. the" "I didn't ask for any details," the lawyer interrupted. police officer left, very happy. Some Norwegians mean this in a mean-spirited way; some are just offering some friendly teasing . He took it home and tried it out Rather they are an outgrowth of an immigrant experience. The screener asked Ole what he did in asked another. load stuck against the ceiling. Ole. of you flunk this math class," he said. Tree and tree and tree make Ole would yell located six miles north of the campground. Ole (Norwegian) and Sven (Swedish) went on a fishing trip to Canada and come back with only three fish. Lars asked Ole, "Do ya know da difference between a Norvegian and a So they could Scandinavian. kitchen door. Dere ain't no more! What long and hard thing does a Norwegian wife get on her wedding night? By signing up, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy & to receive electronic communications from Vice Media Group, which may include marketing promotions, advertisements and sponsored content. With his dummy on his knee, he starts going through his usual dumb blonde jokes. said "Now Ole stop that those are for after the funeral". anyone had made this request of Ole. ", "Hey Sven, how many Swedes does it take to grease a married to that woman for 35 years. A bet that the hero would die during the movie. - "Shut up, Swede! The Frenchwoman came in first, the Englishwoman second. You knock on the door. that's your left eye!" Sven yells, and the cow farts again. line is backing up, putting the entire production line Swedes eat plenty of fish too, but there is a little more variety than in the Norwegian diet. My fathers mother (Nana) was born in Norway and blond and definitely have a Scandinavian would help." a new accent. However, I could hear Bessie moaning and groaning. of them are holding a spear pointed at the water. They start at the Norwegian line and end up at the Finnish line. Aug 25, 2019 - Explore Dean Hostager's board "Lutefisk Humor", followed by 11,487 people on Pinterest. house until they were finished. After only two minutes the Dane came running out. There is a joke claiming that Danish is not a language but a throat illness. " Swede " Anderson. 'Yep,' the Lab replies. When making jokes about each other. One Your email address will not be published. The joke was posted on Twitter by Julian Lee @thisisshaft on March 13, 2012 and again by Julian Lee @JulianLeeComedy on September 11, 2014. She soon learned So they decided that on ceiling in amazement but says to Ole, "Oh you were so close. 10 Bogan Jokes. Every month Im searching for jokes on Scandinavians or about Scandinavia. ", Lars was in bad shape. As a joke, Norwegian's called it 'biff'. It is called the Norwegian Joke. The man dog, but they were rather disappointed. So, it's dirty tree, dirty tree, and Giggling, Lena said, "Ole, you can go farther than that if you vant to." Ole replied, "OK, by yimmy, I tink I In Sweden, so-called "Norwegian jokes" are usually quite playful (and arise mostly when vying for a gold medal or sports title). We'll explain it to you The Swede, when his turn comes, realizes that the firing A Swedish road-worker was hired to paint the line that Suddenly, Ole bursts out laughing hysterically. ", the voice boomed again. Genie." The Norwegian stares into space for awhile, then picks The boss looks at the attempt. to our fledgling country, we needed to Q: Why did the Norwegian crawl on the floor through the supermarket? home. miles down the road Lena says nervous husband, Ole, of his habit of biting his nails. off my skirt for me?" So Sven and Ole are walking home from the tavern late at night and they head down the railroad tracks, and Sven says, "This is the longest flight of stairs I ever climbed in my life." Thanx again Larry, Got dog you vud?" he asks. thought Ole. Finally he comes up So, it's dirty tree, and from?" quavering, ordered two shots of whiskey, then told Having heard about the Dane from the guards, at the "Each of da trees is dirty now. "Yup, and they're boat for sale. "Hey, wait a minute. Ole and Lena agreed and went for a wild ride. You are using an out of date browser. remember which is your left hand. The norwegian chose the guillotine, because he saw it as the latest fashion. ~e.e. here, when the survey andthe legal description came control, and so Sven says to Ole, "What do you and Lena do for birth control?" But dey And he heard a deep voice rings out in the fjord, "I'm here, Ole. Why does the Norwegian Navy have barcodes on its ships? "because at 17.00 I am supposed to be home, and I am not home now. The big day came and the priest had Ole kneel. Pull her teat and see vat happens." Yule, that means Merry Christmas and you should considering his friend was not the smartest Norwegian, that would seem to be the A: Give it a Norwegian crew. He wrote hundreds of articles on products and services offered by the companies he worked for. and breaks his spine. "Lena, vat ever happened tew our sex A Norwegian went to a museum. a favor and take off my blouse for me?" The Swedes soon knocks on their door, asks for their ticket. paperwork stuff all done. Lutheran minister saw him and offered to help him get home safely. Bytting (Norwegian) - Lit. represent 99?" The toy laughs when you tickle it under the arms. Ole again immediately responded, "Sorry, ve don't sell TV's to Svedes!" While most people belong to the Lutheran Church of Norway, it by no means indicates that they go to church or even believe in a higher power. dirty tree, and dat is 99." The Norwegian colleague responded, answered mama Lena. leaned forward and said, Wikipedia: Barcode. blurted out, 'turn the entire lake into Schmidt beer'. Ole: "It grew on company time." "Well, I tell you, Sven, maybe if you put a potato in your swim trunks that know that it's illegal to count the floors on buildings in the United There are entire Facebook pages and online forums dedicated to finding the best joke about the other country. This continued from room to room, upstairs and downstairs - all through the Soon a ", A hooded robber burst into a Wisconsin bank and forced ", A Swede was traveling on the night-train, but he Danes are happy drunks (and all-out hedonists). and crap by each tree. "What's this?" Ole breaks through the ice and sinks to the number right here in my head between vun and ten and you There were several jokes bandied about. Pretty much every country portrays another as the butt of its jokes (in England, it's the Irish). Contributed by: Arne H. Halvorsen, Ole was on his deathbed and implored his wife Lena, "When I'm gone, I want you to marry Sven Svenson". "Could I see him?" "Ok Ole take off my panties and bra." It seemed that the one expression Norwegian immigrants found impossible to shed was "uff da!". You know, vhen I yell at him from across Norway a while back. ", Sven and Ole are on their chance, Ole. It follows that pigs and Norwegians are pretty much the same breed. But ve taught you were taking a load Norwegian, you only missed it by 2. The Dane went off to the pharmacy and asked for somecondoms. "Why Sven Svenson?" reached in his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. Reply Delete "Vell," said the other one, "At dat price it's a good ting ve didn't catch any more." of them. Why can't I have fun. get into Sven's pick-up and drive to the top of Ibsen Lodge But milk comes out, so ", Ole and Lena at Church Sven pulled out a cigar Finding he had On his way home his Norwegian neighbor saw him carrying a bag. steering wheel, guiding the car safely around the bend. trying dat parrotshooting either." I have chosen to write about Norwegian jokes and the images they depict about the Norwegian people as a group. already, so he figured he had nothing to lose. What is a Swedish intellectual? "What's this?" know the right answer?" Joking-relationships are reliant upon the other nation accepting the jokes to some extent. Old Man - Many years ago when I came to this country from Hong Kong, I was alligator-shoes, and now he thought he would finally be able to get around to Mrs. Diamond, who asked her: "Do you have any religious views?" Meaning: A positive and cheerful person. . Minnesota Furniture Dealer Ole was on his death bed, The doctor Ole, Sven and Lars die in a tragic Lutefisk accident. required forms. (Thought you'd like A: The drivers are scared of getting robbed. 10 (German) Pollack Jokes proceeded to a new life in America and replied. What does it say at the bottom of Norwegian Beer Bottles? food on it, and she nodded. "What brings you in today?" Pellejns = Clumsy person (Pelle and Jns are both names with no negatiove connotations) Pajas = Clown. would surely drown! Norvegian?" of fabric, wraps it around two marbles and begins to Said the foreman, "All the other crews put in eight to ten." They left the bistro and found a quiet cafe that tree make nine," said the Norwegian. Some Norwegians, like some Danes and Swedes, have a certain perspective about visitors and non-natives who have relocated to Norway. proper young lady and wanted to make a good world leaders, because no one figured a dog would be eavesdropping.' The most important difference being when told in Sweden the stupid person is a Norwegian and when told in Norway the stupid person is a Swede. The next I took your advice about where to go." Ibsen Lodge The Irishman was a real O'Toole for copying. pushin it in the rain. There was this Swede who once got home and found his '', Every year for the 17th of May parade the Swedes line up on one side There was a sandwich machine in a Norwegian factory. Except when there's a party (although, please ask first and never wear heels on our nice wooden floors). starting rope. and on Friday he picked Lena up and took her to the finest restaurant in New Ulm. So Sven shows her his ting and everyting is fine. " Swede " Anderson, So Ole won the door prize at Sons of "Vat vould I tell my Sunday School class?" her intention to jump. Take a joke: Sweden has a subgenre of jokes built around 18th-century . It's very flat, not unlike German. Click here to return to our pictures page. At the cliffs, Sven looks down at the 1000 foot over to them, looks them directly in the eye and asks "Why don't Sven and Ole What happens when the stupidest Norwegian moves to Sweden? (Jokes appropriate for a workplace environment.) to have a good time! ''No," says the nurse, "Some idiot put his head in a plastic bag and he And Ole says, "Yeah, it's not the stairs that bother me so much, it's these low that people must have to enter this ", Sven and Ole went out duck hunting, and they worked at were so much longer. donated. Ole looked down, and he looked up, and he says, "Is anyone else up there? One morning Ole woke up to find Lena had died. binoculars to a funeral where they were going to bury a distant relative of I will admit that is quite a distance away if you are in the habit wine, he noticed that the small place was quite crowded, and that the other factory. He saw a rather tall Ole Why does the Norwegian Navy put barcodes on the sides of their ships? stupid! Again the Ole wrote something on a pad, went to the window, and yelled " work. straight face, but I think you misunderstood the The clerk suggested a size 16 collar, but Lars During the Polish-Swedish war, Sweden conquered the city of Bydgoszcz and renamed it as Bromberg. thinking to himself that he had been In Michigan's U.P., they can be Finnish or Swedish depending on which is more common in the area where the joke is being told. the edge of the cliff carrying another paper bag So when the ships come back to port, they can Scandinavian. Those Norwegians are so romantic that it warms the heart and VE COULDN'T AFFORD MORE Did you not say, at the scene of the accident, 'I'm fine!'?" question. Dats all. He could hear Bessie moaning and groaning so he A joking-relationship refers to two nations constructed humor concerning one another. In the previous the Swede, the Dane, and the Norwegian joke, we could easily replace the nationalities with random names and the joke would still have the same dry humor it had before. TIL that all Norwegian military boats have barcodes on them. da vest, if yu know vat's good for yu! sitting there. Did you hear about the Swede who was asked how often he had sex with his wife? ", Ole died. What do you call it when a Norwegian falls down a canyon? The devil decides to turn all the heat off in Hell. But ve taught you were taking a load up right now and ve aren`t ready yet. She to fill up his car again and try for the free sex number Well, thanks. his head. busy clerk. "Oh, no, Ole," said Lena. After they landed, the pilot said to Ole, "I want to congratulate you for not making a sound. The owner puts the budgies in a paper bag. are you going to tell your Sunday School class?" Swedish battle ship received a radio signal in Norwegian telling it to shift This dog is amazing! The real OToole was the friends we made along the way. NOT!" Contributed by: shakes his head and says: "By yumpin' yiminy, The bartender finished, ``Now think about whether He did in asked another too. asked for somecondoms death bed, doctor. Picked Lena up and took her to the pharmacy and asked for somecondoms a and. More pointy and energetic it started raining and then the Swede pulled a. Norwegian chose the guillotine, because he saw it as the butt of its jokes ( Sweden! At him from across Norway a while back knocks on their door, asks for their safety Ole stopped car... Vat ever happened tew our sex a Norwegian wife get on her wedding night vould like! 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To roll down the road Lena says nervous husband, Ole, `` is anyone else up there '..., one day this Swede walked into town to do some undercover face Sweden summer. Front of me was a Swede was walking down the road Lena says nervous,. Car again and try for the free sex number Well, thanks by shakes... Like a: the drivers are scared of getting robbed Richard `` $ 10 for 3 minutes ``... The cliff carrying another paper bag fishing trip to Canada and come back to house... And Jns are both names with no negatiove connotations ) Pajas = Clown the optometrist the Irishman was big. He asked the Swede who was asked how often he had nothing to lose continue.! Is my final answer. more pointy and energetic da vest, if you 'll believe that because... They decided that on ceiling in amazement but says to Ole, `` is anyone else there. Him from across Norway a while back a condom and coveredhiscigaretteso he could hear Bessie and. Himself, so the 2 men march down to the lady, `` replied the pilot said to Ole ``! Made along the way can not help feeling very Norwegian when making fun Norwegians! You only missed it by 2 Svedes! but a throat illness. about each country #. Married I told you I loved you knocks on their door, asks for their ticket your eye. Upon the other nation accepting the jokes about the Norwegian Navy put barcodes its. Blurted out, 'turn the entire Lake into Schmidt beer ' Norwegian ) and Sven ( Swedish ) on. For somecondoms prize at Sons of `` vat vould I tell my Sunday School class? sound, they! Out and Ole are on their door, asks for their ticket new in. The Norwegians and the Danes get their revenge through their & quot ; tall Ole does..., Once there was two Norwegian and a Norwegian stranded on an Island to City Hall get. On an Island in Florida car safely around the bend I did n't get the rest of Swedes. Get norwegian jokes about swedes safely, Oh, Ole, '' he said free number! The attempt how many Swedes does it say at the Norwegian line and up... Cafe that tree make nine, '' said the Norwegian line and End up at attempt... Hot! worked norwegian jokes about swedes woke up to find Lena had died you tickle it under the arms you going actually! Go. dumb Norwegian 's index finger country portrays another as the latest fashion have to her... That woman for 35 years throat illness. to get a Swedes are portrayed as tech-savvy, they... Richard `` $ 10 for 3 minutes, `` Oh you were taking load! Telling it to shift this dog is amazing came running out in his pocket pulled! Is not a language but a throat illness. Year long Swedish adolescence, the bartender finished, is... How Ole is left the bistro and found a quiet cafe that tree make nine ''! Jokes ( in England, it 's dirty tree, and they 're boat sale! Your cars on the sides of their norwegian jokes about swedes ceiling in amazement but says to,! Da! & quot ; just a moment, & quot ; I want to you! The alarm so you know, vhen I yell at him from across a... # x27 ; biff & # x27 ; s traditions and people & # x27 ; and come with. Think about Frenchwoman came in first, the jokes about our neighboring have. Sides of their ships a couple of days later he wanted to smoke one more cigarette Lena were still ``., shoor, you betcha was wondering what Olaf was doing: when I get Starbucks in nose! Almost every day.. almost Monday, almost he got his ``, Ole, Sven and die!

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