You might notice that in bookstores, there are sections for Catholic Bibles and Protestant Bibles. The reason for this difference is that the Catholic Bible includes seven books called the Deuterocanonical Books or the Apocrypha. 800-MY-FAITH (800-693-2484), The Family, the Education of Children, and the Role of the State. The Deuterocanonical books are also included in the Catholic Bible, making a total of 73 books in the Catholic Bible. In general, Protestants do not consider them as divinely inspired, but Catholics have done so for more than 1500 years. Question: Why doesnt the Catholic Church recognize the King James version of the Bible? The Catholic Bible is a bit of a misnomer. 3. The Church of England authorized and started the English translation of the Christian Bible in 1604 and finished translating it in 1611. Originally, the King James Bible as well as Catholic Bible had the books from Old Testaments, which are known as the Apocrypha or the Deutercanonicals. The seven books of the Apocrypha are also included. You can browse the KJV Bible verses by using the chapters listed below, or use our Bible search feature at the top of this page. The Church doesnt forbid Catholics from having any version of the Bible on their bookshelf. The Greek word for six hundred is hexekonta which means six hundred while the Greek word for five hundred is pentekonta which means five hundred.. most protestants reject these books just because of their disdain for catholics. WebAnswer (1 of 11): The Ethiopian Bible is the oldest and most complete bible on earth. Christ never queried any of the Jewish bible contribution in his day if He needed to He would have this is sufficient authority an test of Scripture what the Jews did a few years later does not detract from Christs position if the Holy Spirit allows you check out the 90 book Hebrew Bible Join my email list to receive the latest articles directly in your inbox. Luke does not clarify in this passage, but we can make a conclusion based on the entire context of the Gospel of Luke in particular and Catholic doctrine in general. In this Bible, there is also the obvious distinction between the second person singular and the second person plural. Common sense tells us the King James Bible utterly, with divine strength, exposes the Roman cult for what it is - pure antichrist. Our Church accepted them as universal which means all catholic churches no matter where they were would accept these books as part of our faith. There are several differences between the Catholic Bible and the King James Bible. 3. The most significant book in the English language is the Bible. The Ethiopian Bible only contains four of the Gospels of the New Testament and also contains books that were not included the King James Bible. Joe Paprocki, D.Min.,has been a catechetical leader and religious educator in the Chicago area for more than 30 years. (Richmond, Indiana). Steubenville, OH 43952 My Ignatius Catholic Bible only has 73. Catholic Bible is the book followed by the Catholics, or accepted as the Holy Scripture by the Catholics. WebWhile the Catholic Church does not use the King James Version at Mass and recommends that Catholics read a Bible that contains all 73 books that the Church considers canonical, many curious Catholics, breaking free from the stereotype that personal Bible study is not necessary, explore the KJV at home to appreciate its verbiage and scholarship. Catholic Review Media provides intergenerational communications that inform, teach, inspire and engage Catholics and all of good will in the mission of Christ through diverse forms of media. The Catholic Churchs translation of the texts that make up the books of the Bible is better known as the Vulgate, from the Latin versio vulgata, or common version. This was a translation of the Hebrew Bible and the books of the New Testament into Latin for the use of the Roman Catholic Church, which used Latin exclusively at Mass until the Second Vatican Council, or Vatican II, permitted the use of vernacular languages in 1965. After all, the King James Bible was used for centuries it wasnt until the late 20 th century that any other translation gained credible traction. These Old Testament items were formerly in existence. Augustine believed in the spiritual value of the books while Jerome did not. This book lacks what C.S. Catholic Review peruse our catalog for a leather-bound KJV bible. Why are there so many translations? Tobias (the son) marries this widow, and by burning two of the fish parts, drives off the evil spirit called Asmodeus. Since the late 19th century, progress made in Scripture scholarship has produced versions of the Bible that challenge the previously undisputed prominence of the King James Version. The original inspiration for this work was the establishment of the Ordinariate (which provides a Church structure for Anglican and Episcopal Christians to enter the Catholic Church). The seven volumes of the Apocrypha that must be included between the Old and New Testaments are omitted from this translation. Nowhere am I told that the King James Bible is the best or only holy Bible. These added books in the Catholic Bible are known collectively as the Apocrypha. However, nowhere in the Bible am I told that only one translation of it is the correct one. WebThe Catholic Bible is actually the generic term for the Christian Bible . WebAnswer: The difference between the Catholic version of the Bible and other translations is that it has additional books contained in the Old Testament that other translations (NKJV, NIV, etc.) But Catholics may find it helpful to use the version of the Bible that is used at Mass: the New American Bible. The Bible has had a profound influence on all of Western civilization. Nicole Abisinio, Author Insights: an Insider Look at Catholic Publishing. Even Jerome and Augustine, two of the most popular Catholic writers before the fall of the Roman Empire, debated over the value of the Apocrypha. do not. According to Christian teachings, the KJV was completed around the year 1611. WebWhile modern Bible translations have grown in use, the King James Version remains the most popular and most familiar of Bible translations. Your email address will not be published. There are several differences between the Catholic Bible and the King James Bible. WebAnswer: The difference between the Catholic version of the Bible and other translations is that it has additional books contained in the Old Testament that other translations (NKJV, NIV, etc.) They include such books as Tobit, Judith, 1 and 2 Maccabees, etc. Others in the Reformation movement put it back where it belonged! Catholic editions of the King James Version are now available, featuring the deuterocanonical books of the Old Testament in their traditional Catholic order rather than as an Apocrypha appendix or left on the cutting-room floor. It was translated by 54 scholars who worked on it for seven years. Catholic Bible is merely a phrase used to describe the Holy Bible. If you have found this service to be helpful, please consider a donation to CUF to help sustain this service. Each of the canonical books of the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament canon is included in the Catholic Bible. That could lead to controversy. The Ethiopian Bible includes the Books of Enoch, Esdras, Buruch and all 3 Books of Meqabyan (Maccabees), and a host of others that were excommunicated from the KJV. Protestant reformers of the 1500s, including Martin Luther, rejected these books as belonging to the official Scriptures in part, perhaps, because certain portions contradict elements of Protestant doctrine (as in the case of 2 Maccabees 12, which supports praying for the deceased who are in purgatory). The Jews did not preserve these books down through the centuries, but certain Christians preserved them, seeing them as having spiritual value. Because of this, every individual who follows the Christian faith should have access to the Bible. First and foremost, the obvious reason that we have translations is that the Bible wasnt written in English! It includes the 5th century Latin Vulgate, which is primarily St. Jeromes work. WebWhile the Catholic Church does not use the King James Version at Mass and recommends that Catholics read a Bible that contains all 73 books that the Church considers canonical, many curious Catholics, breaking free from the stereotype that personal Bible study is not necessary, explore the KJV at home to appreciate its verbiage and scholarship. This principle, timed with Johannes Guternbergs release of the printing press, encouraged Christians to read the Bible for themselves rather than rely upon the clergy and encouraged widespread literacy among Christians in order to do so. In the English-language translation of the Christian Bible, the King James Bible is the most widely used. Another Apocrypha writing, the book of Judith, contains so many absurdities that even another Catholic translation admitted, "The book of Judith in particular shows a bland indifference to history and geography.". I wanted to make sure everyone got that straight. It should be noted, however, that the editors of the King James Version were instructed by King James I of England to make sure that the translation was in harmony with the theology of the Church of England. When Martin Luther split away from the Catholic Church, he not only questioned the Deuterocanonical books (on the basis of their having been defined by Jews in AD 100 as not part of their Scriptures), but at one point Luther even relegated the Epistle of St James, which disagreed with his sola fide theology, to apocryphal status (see James 2:18). Would you be kind enough to elucidate the correct translation of Luke 2: 14 and why the KJV is wrong? There is no verse that tells me how WebThe Catholic Bible has 73 books, while the King James Bible has 66. Some books like the New King James Version seem to merely change the wording. The King James Version of the Bible, completed in 1611, sought to be a precise translation coupled with a majestic literary style. 0 2608 Been hearing a lot of people say that the King James Bible is Catholic. One big difference is Exodus Chapter 11 and the 10 Commandments. Compare the Difference Between Similar Terms. Bible translation differences. There are different versions of the Old Testament in both bibles. The Catholic Bible has more books than the King James Bible. You falsely state that the Catholic church has not changed or added anything. 6. The Catholic Church established these rules at the time. You might notice that in bookstores, there are sections for Catholic Bibles and Protestant Bibles. WebThe King James Version is also called the King James Bible, KJV, or Authorized Version. The Ethiopian Bible has 84 books compared to the 66 in the King James Bible. WebThe King James Version is also called the King James Bible, KJV, or Authorized Version. WebThe Catholic Bible is actually the generic term for the Christian Bible. This Catholic council is famous for its response against charges brought against the church primarily from the Protestant Reformation. Regardless of the version of the bible, the teachings remain the same. For example, Tobit, which the Catholic Church accepts, describes a story in which a Jewish father, blinded by bird's dung falling into his eyes, sends out his son to collect a debt. the jewish council of jamnia in A.D.90 removed these books and rejected the Septuagint because they were attempting to discredit the Christian movement as a cult. The Catholic Bible is translated from Hebrew and Greek texts while the King James Bible was translated from Hebrew, Aramaic, and The Apocrypha is found in the Catholic Bible, although the King James Bible does not. One remarkable difference between Catholic Bible and King James Bible is the content. Protestants have always stated that Catholics created and added books. Father Kenneth Doyle writes Question Corner for Catholic News Service. First, I want to affirm with all evangelical Christians that the Bible is the Word of God, inerrant, inspired, and our final authority for faith and life. Those are: The Number of Books The Catholic Bible contains 73 books while the King James Bible contains 66 books. This term is a Latinized form of the Hebrew word Yahweh. The Douay-Rheims version of the Bible uses the term Yahweh four times and so it is translated as LORD instead of Jehovah.. Fagments of several Deuterocanonical books in Hebrew and Aramaic were found in the Dead Sea Scrolls of Qumran. Acts tells about Jesus disciples after he died on Good Friday. Over time, however, the books of Apocrypha were eliminated from the King James Bible. The third English translation of the Christian Bible is the King James Version. The #1 Source for King James Version Bibles. The Canon Scriptures are the Holy Scriptures that are acknowledged by Christianity as being the most important. Specifically for Catholics, the King James Version follows the Protestant pattern of not including the Deuterocanonical books of the Old Testament that are recognized by Catholics: Tobit, Judith, Wisdom, Sirach, Baruch, 1 & 2 Maccabees (as well as portions of the Books of Esther and Daniel). 2. The 1769 edition is most commonly cited as the King James Version (KJV). First, its good to know that the original bible (the old testament) was written in Hebrew, and the new testament was written in Greek. Both the New and the Old Testaments may be found in the original Bible. WebAnswer (1 of 11): The Ethiopian Bible is the oldest and most complete bible on earth. The books include: These books contain prayers for the dead and intercessions of saints and angels, which are not recognized in the Protestant church. The Catholic Bible has changed and deleted parts of the the 4th Commandment. These include the Book of Enoch, The difference between Catholic Bible and King James Bible is one interesting, as well as important, topic one comes across when looking at bibles. However, Augustine's position did not win out officially until over a thousand one-hundred years after his death. The Catholic Bible is translated from Hebrew and Greek texts while the King James Bible was translated from Hebrew, Aramaic, and Two of the most popular ones are the Catholic Bible and the King James Bible. KJV This translation is known as the Authorized Version or the King James Bible. Meaning that the Catholic Bible contains 73 books in total, as opposed to the Protestants 66 books which refuses them. Order of Books The Catholic Bible and King James Bible differ in the order of the books. RELATED: What Translation of the Bible Should I Be Reading? I would not want to say 2Maccabees is as historically sound as (say) either the books of Daniel, 1Kings or 2Kings. Anyone can see the changes made by the Catholic churchimmediately by comparing a Catholic Bible to a Protestant Bible. All rights reserved. Jerome, who translated much of God's word into Latin for the Roman church (the Latin Vulgate version), denied the Apocrypha was inspired. Design by Perceptions Studio. Also, the King James Bible is written in Old English. The Catholic Bible comprises the 73 books of the canonical Scriptures. However, English translators knowledge of the Hebrew language was rather shaky, and thats why there are so many new versions of the KJV. One of the primary differences between the Catholic Bible and the King James Bible is the title by which the Bible is often referred to by Christian believers. WebAnswer: The difference between the Catholic version of the Bible and other translations is that it has additional books contained in the Old Testament that other translations (NKJV, NIV, etc.) The second was a general, long-standing usage among many congregations. The Ethiopian Bible and the King James Bible are different manuscripts. The Ethiopian Bible only contains four of the Gospels of the New Testament and also contains books that were not included the King James Bible. Sign up for weekly updates from Busted Halo! } Regardless of the version of the bible, the teachings remain the same. (function() { As a result, Catholic Bible has Apocrypha while King James Bible does not. Because of the lack of seven Apocrypha books, the King James Bible comprises only 39 Old Testament books, whereas its translations of the New Testament are complete. The letters were written by Paul (Romans), Peter (1 Peter), James (James), John (1 John), Jude (Jude) and others. Those are: The Number of Books The Catholic Bible contains 73 books while the King James Bible contains 66 books. 2. The reason for this difference is that the Catholic Bible includes seven books called the Deuterocanonical Books or the Apocrypha. If you would prefer to read the King James Bible as intended, however, with both the canonical Protestant texts and a lovely presentation, one that will last for generations with proper care, peruse our catalog for a leather-bound KJV bible. The four Gospels are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The translation of the KJV was finished in the early 1600s. Always seek the advice of your doctor with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition. At first, the King James Version included all of the books from the Old and New Testament as well as the Apocrypha. Conversely, the King James Bible version is just one of the many versions of the Holy Book circulated throughout. Reality is the books were there when the church was forming we didnt create or add anything. Order of Books The Catholic Bible and King James Bible differ in the order of the books. forms: { A. The Old Testament contains the books of the Hebrew Bible and some additional books, and it includes an ancient translation called the Septuagint. What is the difference between Catholic Bible and King James Bible? Finally, there is Revelation which is about the end times when Jesus will come back to earth to judge all of us according to our deeds. Christianity as being the most popular and most familiar of Bible translations have grown in use, the books Ignatius! Updates from Busted Halo! English translation of the State 2Maccabees is historically... From Busted Halo! a thousand one-hundred years after his death regarding your medical condition historically as... As the Apocrypha forming we didnt create or add anything or only Holy Bible in general, usage. 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