You tend to thrive with a lot of freedom, and don't handle feelings (yours or others) with a lot of nuances. In love, you're a fighter, and it's no fun if your sparring partner doesn't put up his or her dukes. John Wayne Gacy had Aqua Venus which is difficult and weird on its own but to add to the mix, a (loose) opposition to Pluto. I understand that, actually the synastry tells a lot about compatibility, but I guess in the end it's just about the people involved and timing too I guess. Virgo Liveliness, cheerfulness, and plenty of activity characterize your partnership. Two air signs have a mind meld, but Libra is way more into togetherness. You know exactly where you stand because Venus Aries is "what you see is what you get." A difference is you're more likely to beam on one person at a time, intensely. There's an innocence about you and your affections that's disarming for your more self-controlled friend. These people project themselves as solid and comfortable. Is there more to experience beyond that first flash? See More Venus-Mars Sign Combinations: Back to Venus-Mars Combinations chart. Venus Cancer is by and large a homebody, only truly comfortable among people they know and trust. Certainly, youre beguiling. But the big differences in love styles can be met with compromise and by understanding each other's nature. He or she wants to see adoring eyes and will lose interest in a flash if the twinkle goes out of your eyes. A Venus Cancer craves emotional intimacy, stability, and a family feeling. This issue may be the most difficult of your problems together. Leo is Sun-kissed, and that's symbolic of the unlimited power possessed by the Lion. Your ability to reason is something most people appreciate, as long as they arent threatened by that ability to detach yourself. (Capricorn, Venus in Pisces): Capricorn is all for security, Pisces is a full-on romantic = good guy Chris Rock (Aquarius, Venus in Capricorn): Aquarius can be about partnership when Capricorn grounds it Ethan Hawke (Scorpio, Venus in Scorpio): Ladykiller double sign combo Antonio Banderas (Leo, Venus in Virgo): In most cases, they will not fall in love, because of their inner need to inspire their partner and help them grow. Your partner might find your behavior unsettling at times, simply because they looking for a certain measure of security in partnership. Until the Venus Capricorn lover is sure of Venus Leo and the relationship, their reception will always be slightly wintry. Both of you are stubborn and this leads at times to vigorous arguments. Heh. If you're angry, you let it out and it's over. Dont know the positions of your planets? But Aquarius, a sign of both chaos and order, is looking for a love as wide as the clear blue sky. Venus Libra'slove style is attentive and responsive, while Venus Leo's is more self-centered. Attachment can grow between these two signs! As for compatibility I think Sagittarius Venus could work because they are pretty free souls and don't like to take things too seriously. There's a need for freedom, living at the growing edge and intensity. There's a nervous quality to your Venus Virgo, and focus on the (to your eyes) small and not important, that's maddening. Much will depend on maturity, timing, and how ready you are to grow to meet the other. Both need breathing room, though Libra finds it hard to harmonize with such a solo traveler. Both crave luxury and stylish clothes and enjoy being seen. Venus Libra is more of a serial monogamist, while the Sagittarian lover sows many oats before settling down. Sagittarius An ugly breakup could get physical, and there's a chance of an on again, off again that lasts for years here. Many people can have great synastry and absolutely nothing in composite. I've seen quite a few Pisces end up with Aquarius. This makes it challenging to establish stability for the long term. Look to our Venus Sign Tables. Proud Leo adores big personalities, and Venus Aries doesn't disappoint. If Venus Aries' eyes wander, or they show waning attention, the Lion roars. The beginning, especially, is a blast, as you quickly get to know each other. Venus is considered to be "in detriment" in the sign of Scorpio. The Aquarius lover defies social etiquette, and that gets on Venus Libra's nerves. Both of you are reasonable people, and this can be a very reasonable union as a result. When your Venus is in Aquarius, you dont want to follow all the rules in love, preferring to love in your own way, unfettered by convention or what is supposed to be, or usually, done. With Venus in Aquarius You're both freedom lovers, and that makes this an inspired friendship. As long as you both work on the intimate side of partnership, you will find that your relationship is progressive and excitingand decidedly unique! The Crab craves emotional intimacy, and Venus Libra is more likely to show affection with a teasing barb or complement. Aries Venus in Water, Mars in Air (Romantic Water, Airy Desires): You are a study in contradictions when it comes to love! Yours is a passionate, fully present and very physical style. Love can make it work, although plenty of adjustments are necessary to keep this union moving in healthy directions. Cancer You're a 1966 Gemini? Although you are creative individuals, your interactions may eventually lack spunk or seem a little dry. When Venus is in Libra (transiting), natives feel like they're walking on air, and are in the mood for romance. There could be other factors, though, in the synastry, that give their love a more constant nature. Venus Libra prides itself on being able to 'walk in another's shoes,' but benefits from Venus Leo's intensely self-centered creativity. The only option is to try to learn from each other. You are a curious person and enjoy intellectual stimulation in your relationships. Your lover values constancy and dependability in their relationships. on a zodiac sign to read about the Sun, Moon, They are more interested in keeping the peace, compromising, finding that sweet spot of giving and take. Your union could be markedly free and different, perhaps considered unusual by some from the outside looking in. You're both playful, but you don't like to play mental games, and this is where your friend or mate could make you wary. How You Relate to a Partner with Venus in Pisces: This is an unusual combination. The short attention span can become a problem if the relationship is treated carelessly. You love to brainstorm with your partner, and in Venus in Pisces, you have found a completely fascinating brain to pick. At times, however, your partner might try to back off from the microscope, as they are certainly more sensitive and moody than you are when it comes to relationships. Your Venus Pisces friend, in contrast, is diffuse, merged with and sensitive to the environment. You're liable to chafe at the mindset (Libra is air) of the twosome and be quick to assert yourself in words and actions. How You Relate to a Partner with Venus in Gemini: This combination is definitely one of the easier pairings. I read whole signs and if you have Taurus rising, your Gemini stellium is in the 2nd, not 1st. Leo desires to be the one and only, not one of many. They allow each other freedom and have been married 40 years (not counting the 5 years they dated before that). You're both into experiences that give you that adrenaline rush of the new. As squaring signs, they should have a very troublesome contact, but the sign of Scorpio exalts the ruler of Aquarius, Uranus. Both of you are generally positive in matters of the heart, so optimism is likely the general theme when you are together. You feel alive with people who are also animated, spontaneous and don't lose their nerve under pressure. Venus and Mars in signs that are square: Your romantic needs and sexual needs are quite different, and this presents a constant struggle for you. Venus Leo also tends toward high drama, while the Venus Cancer lover can be shy with feelings (at least in public). How You Relate to a Partner with Venus in Cancer: This combination can be a challenging one, simply because your styles and needs in love tend to be at odds with one another. They'll create a haven because they know that as much as Libra likes togetherness, he/she also needs time alone. That's a core theme, but beyond that, it's a match with a lot going for it. The two of you can make a very productive pair as long as you can effectively combine the worlds of thought and feelings. Airy Aquarius, while also quite logical, prefers not to dwell on things. The Sun as Leo's planetary ruler has a cycle of rising and shiningand of setting. 33. Capricorn They share a love of the arts and are often worldly. Aquarius. Leo thrives in the gaze of such accepting eyes and senses that Venus Aquarius gets what is unique, even far out, about the dazzling Lion. If you happen to be off on a tangent, seemingly in another world, your partner can quickly become impatient. First dates become a chance to make each other laugh, with each trying to top the other. Find out your position of Venus by sign here. Click Make no mistake, this is a steamy combowater and fire bring love to the boiling point! Virgo craves order and gets defensive around those they sense are erratic characters. Gemini Your Venus Sadge friend is fiery but has a less urgent way of relating. This friend is an ally, in breaking down steps to a goal. Scorpio might be the only one to dig deep enough to discover that secret side of Aquarians. They are far too different. 1965. LoveStyles: About Him and LoveStyles: About Her reports. Their love is tested in the pressure cooker, but that's exactly where they're both at home. You value peace and not only believe in equality, but you also treat people with equality in practice. When your partner gets excited about something, forging ahead with gusto, your collected demeanor may feel a bit like rain on their parade. You're also both high achievers but go about it in different ways. What's the difference in love, with these two proud fire signs? Look Mars in the 1st house generally is one of aggression, but if it's Earth Mars on the rising, you'd get someone much more anti-Mars and placid. It's a pair that delights in wit, irony, and sarcasm. Venus is one of the essential planets in astrology. A person with both the Sun and Venus in Aquarius has a double dose of their Zodiac sign's capacity for innovation. So why, pray tell, do people say opposites attract? You like to be in hot pursuit! Both Aries and Aquarius tend to push forward toward whatever excitement they can find. You are both a private person and a people person. And every Venus Leo wants to be more than enough. These signs combined represent the ultimate sexual freedom, a place with no restrictions or taboos. What they are most likely to do is always their own thing. The Scorpio lover comes across as serious, and at times even Venus Libra can turn that brooding frown upside down. As willing as you are to stir things up if you are in the mood to enforce change, there is a wonderful calm surrounding you that can be most appealing to others. More than almost any other signature in the chart, these planets (and their aspects and house placements), give clues as to how you like to "do love" (Venus) and "do sex" (Mars). You don't want to follow the rules or love the way you're "supposed" to; you have your own approach to showing affection. Venus Leo and Venus Gemini are kindred spiritsboth find the amusing angle in any situation. Both are risk-takers, but also prone to seeing only what they want to see. As such, you are likely to give each other quite a bit of freedom. You admire self-motivated people, and Venus Capricorn has a quiet confidence that's a draw. Your quirkiness can be fun and even electric. Certainly, you will give your partner plenty of space to be themselves, and that is a true gift. Scorpio But if there's trust, Venus Virgo likely won't mind. One thing that stands out is a shared love of children and all things related to childhood. But in the end, it wasn't about the chart. Though Venus Scorpio hides his or her feelings, they have an intense need for control and a desire to possess body and soul. These attitudes will help smooth your relationship. Important Note: We offer sign-to-sign compatibility interpretations assuming readers know that the comparisons attempt to show both the negative and positive sides of only one point of comparison. Venus Aquarius is a cool character, not prone to sentimentality or cuddly affection. Deep-diving and surfacing? You are ahead of your time in matters of the heart, and you will be best off finding a partner who values your insight. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. How You Relate to a Partner with Venus in Capricorn: This is a somewhat odd combination, as your Venus sign position is in a next-door-neighbor sign to your partners Venus. Venus in Aquarius is liberal-minded in the traditional sense of the phrase; they will give anything and everything a chance, breaking most to all rules along the way. They inspire each other as friends, with fresh angles and stunningly vast perspectives. Each of you appreciates the need for individuality, and neither of you believes that a partnership should act to stifle this basic need. And their spiritual bent opens you to many dimensions of life. When you do make a commitment, you are generally able to stick to it. Aquarius You are future-minded, a tad unconventional (in love, anyhow) and theres an unmistakable free spirit in you that shows up most obviously in matters of the heart. However, you dont find comfort in a partnership that stays the same and doesnt seem to be going anywhere. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. In the end I would never tell someone "oh you are a Gemini so you should not mix with a Capricorn sun" or "your Cap Venus won't mix with his Leo Venus", etc. A restless twosome here that both like travels of the mind, and are generally socially curious. beyond Sun Signs. You might find them a tad too sensitive. You . Virgo You are a sensual lover, and you are forever drawn to relationships. What attracts Venus Aquarius is uniqueness, a strong will, and passion for breaking out of inner or outer limitations. Keep in mind that you can use these compatibility interpretations for Sun Signs as well! If these two don't block the other but instead combine their energies, this is a magnificent match. Your Aqua Venus lover is up for anything. It's his or her Venusian nature to wander, and this restlessness can make even confident Leos feel like they're notenough. At times, Leo will want to play the peacock, and unless Libra understands this, Leo will rebel under the weight of too muchtogetherness. Yours is a Venus that is stoked by heated arguments, clashes, competition and demonstrating self-direction. When the honeymoon phase is over, and there's a settling in, the Sagittarius lover grows edgy. Beware of emphatic statements on both sides, which can threaten to end things in a dramatic grand finale. More specifically: Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Aquarius: This is quite a temperamental combination, as your romantic and sexual needs seem to be at cross purposes. Taurus You, with your Venus in Aquarius, are most concerned with the greater group process, while Leo places great emphasis on personal and creative expression of the self. Venus Libra is apt to work in bursts, with plenty of time for lounging around. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. If you can get beyond this minor incompatibility, and treat it as an opportunity to grow, your partnership has much potential to work well. A lover can have either a stimulating time or a completely exasperating time getting to know you, and its doubtful anyone truly does get to that point. Nothing in the world could stop the fact that he wasn't what I needed nor I was what he wanted at the moment. Aquarius Pisces. A lover can have either a stimulating time or a . You have an aloof air about you that others find attractive. Its intense and personal, and very passionate. It may not be very easy for your partner to get why you are capable of detaching yourself, and they may find it threatening to the basic love bond between you. Each of you has a certain aloof quality about you when it comes to romance and love. But your watery mate has a love style that's more about vibes and impressions. If they are looking for a commitment from you at a later date, however, what was once considered charismatic might become annoying! Where theydiverge is in their rhythms, as Leo is fixed and Sagittarius is mutable. It is important that your partner appreciates your uniqueness and encourages you to be authentic in love. This match-up is a study in contrasts and in a nutshell one of light work and heavy lifting. Some wild and vividly memorable times are predestined when thesetwo very passionate lovers meet. That's the question here, with two lovers who bask in the admiration of the other. What happens is your natural spiritedness and enthusiasm in love might be threatening or disconcerting to your Venus in Scorpio partner, and they might find it easy to pull you down, or "rain on your parade." The person could be far more concerned with stability and security than free and impermanent love. I think we have to stop looking overall to charts to look if a relationship can work or not, in the end it's up to the people involved. The promise of balance is there, somewhere, and both you and your partner may sense this shadow personality in the other. Your Cappy love sees from you the power of acting at the moment. I know that is a generalization, but generalizing based on Venus signs is the same thing. That's from Kings Of Leon's "Temple" song from their recent album (and when you read the lyrics to most of their songs, you can actually see how he words his feelings). In astrology, next-door-neighbor signs generally have a difficult time finding common ground. Exact Moon opposite Neptune shows how warped his fantasies really were but because of the Moon trine Pluto, his obsession for those warped fantasies intensified as time went on. Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Ascendant in the signs: Aries One of the main differences in your temperaments is your willingness to make adjustments. Mutual admiration is a rare quality, and it is more than likely that you have it. Venus in Pisces with the Sun in Aquarius or Aries can be a more challenging combination. You are more apt to analyze a situation before letting yourself feel the energy of the moment. What they get is more understated, depending on otherastrological featuresin their Venus Virgo lover's chart. Here's how lusty, fiery Venus Leo matches with other Venus signs. It is also about your self-esteem and what you value. Otherwise, your lover is prone to feeling like theyve done something wrong. See our Mars sign tables. Your friend is much touchier about being respected and admired for the unique person he or she is. I'm also a Gemini Sun, Mercury, Venus and that's in 9th house which squares my 6th house Pisces Moon. It's these very traits that will make them fall in love. If Venus Leo can accept Venus Gemini's need for space and lightness, this has the makings of a lifelong relationship. You value exactly that freedom, making this an area in your relationship that you both will need to work on. 29. What matters is that each wants to be deeply loved and understood for the unique person they are. It can be much more revealing to compare Venus signs in romantic relationships! Your Aqua Venus lover is up for anything. The Venus partner is Mars partner's "type." Expect a hot-and-heavy . Libra is Venus' own sign and one of a heightened sense for aesthetics. It may not display this or other websites correctly. They can have strange holds on their lovers, both psychically and emotionally. But still we're the best of friends ever! It's these very traits that will make them fall in love. Parties thrown at chez Venus Leo/Libra are memorable bashes with a tone of dignity. Want to quickly find out the sign of your Venus, and the Venus signs of others? This is likely to frustrate your partner more, as they interpret your stepping aside as walking awayor, even worse, lack of concern for your relationship. This is a creative combination, and while your lover works on keeping things fresh, you will help steady things. Both Leo and Taurus value loyalty, and both are outwardly affectionate. Their rhythms, as Leo is Sun-kissed, and both you and your partner appreciates uniqueness... Togetherness, he/she also needs time alone security in partnership: Back to Venus-Mars chart... With these two proud fire signs to harmonize with such a solo traveler other but instead their... Unique person he or she is there could be markedly free and different, considered. 'S shoes, ' but benefits from Venus Leo and Venus Gemini are kindred find. A strong will, and both you and your partner may sense shadow... 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