She has given them jobs and yet not a word from those who berate you for the same thing. Oh! That is a very interesting picture indeed. For the first time since 2007, some SNP members admit it could be in freefall. Stu, I posted this on the Four Words article, but not sure if you saw it: I tweeted Tricia Marwick & Andy Wightman yesterday and both denied the MacWhirter claim that the Crown gave legal advice to parliament? Wont hold my breath on the spectator breaking ranks. Martin Compston, Alex Salmond, Patrick Harvie and Alan Cumming at the launch of the Yes campaign Jennifer was only seven when her two older brothers were almost killed in a car crash with a fire . SNP politicians are instantly prickly when any reference is made to a civil war. It looks more like youve been fooling us. If Twitter can do it, then why cant Wings. I would be astonished if they could compel Mr Salmond to do anything. how do i prove im not watching live tv on any channel ? We all risk our freedoms otherwise. One aspect that might be worth pursuing, I genuinely dont know, so everyone pile in, is a letter (to be published) to the SNP expressing your concerns that the money has been embezzled, providing the SNP with an opportunity to re-imburse you within a certain time limit (and no reply will be considered as a refusal) and that failure to do so will result in you making the complaint a formal one to Police Scotland. The average man is more likely to be enthused by this stuff than the average woman. . Miss Sturgeon looked tired and bad-tempered when she attempted to get away from the issue and focus on Brexit on Wednesday but still faced questions about Mr Salmond during a Sky News interview, during which she confirmed that their 30-year friendship is now in doubt. Not sure if someone here can remember. These will be delivered by the beginning of next week. ALISON/DreamBrut Continuing on my American theme pls note Liz Lloyd attended an American Uni University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I have been racking my brains to think of the names because I knew you would ask., Advocate depute.Says he has no objection to the proposed change to the order. You lose count of the times they have attempted to destroy this man. 11 February, 2021 at 1:14 pm 3. Alex Salmond, centre, arriving at Edinburgh high court on Tuesday. 1,117,073 Comments, Wings Over Scotland Powered by WordPress Were as agog as you to find out how it goes. This has already been said not quite spelled out clearly enough: The Committee on the Scottish Government Handling of Harassment Complaints is trial No. If you respond to their contact saying you dont watch broadcast television, they seem to go away for a few years. The only witness who vaguely suggested she might have been there was a celebrity who the defence wasn't allowed to cross-examine and who'd given a video-recorded description of a woman who was nothing like her - different hair colour, different clothing and forgetting the detail that she had her arm in a sling, which one might imagine would have But had to copy/paste from Pressreader as it wouldnt archive, With mentions of most of the key players, This from January 2019 makes interesting retro reading, Accusations of smears. Yes, regarding Robertson the Odious, allegedly he wasnt a very nice guy re his first wife. On Tuesday, more revelations emerged, as Mr Salmonds former chief of staff, Geoff Aberdein a personal friend and former colleague of Miss Lloyd, and who now works in the private sector for Standard Life Aberdeen claimed she had told him she suspected there had been a complaint about Mr Salmond in late March last year. for (i=0;i GREAT NEWS! And to think, not so long ago, people were asking questions why the SNP wasnt giving a leg up to Scotlands indigenous new media. The SNP is beyond redemption and this countrys institutions have resoundingly failed the people they exist to serve, while our leaders and their close associates get fat off the public purse whilst using spurious legal arguments, threats of imprisonment, outright lies and general obfuscation to hide their true activities from the public gaze. Despite having worked for BBC Scotland, been the political editor of the Scottish Daily Mail and now being the First Ministers personal spokesman and special adviser, the only photograph weve been able to find of him is this one, keeping some interesting company before the indyref. dirty in spanish language; voglio il tuo profumo significato; danielle goldberg wedding; walc 4 everyday reading pdf; human characteristics of the northeast region. I just hope she is on the side of the snp, Is there any hope this depressing shit show will be over any time soon? The women you mustn't believe. This is good summary of the shit that went on at Yes Scotland, At a glance, the YouGov poll in the first week of September seemed to signal an extraordinary transformation. Her judgment is in serious doubt. Pressed by McCall to admit she had willingly kissed and caressed Salmond in 2013, H said: Thats not true. That is, I think, just the way it is. [41] [failed verification] Outside politics Robertson is a music fan, and particularly likes Metallica and Belle and Sebastian. Dont think SPAD Stuart Nicolson ever worked for the BBC, theres a current Stuart Nicolson at the BBC, not same person. Robertson's second wife, Jennifer Dempsie, is a former advisor to Alex Salmond? The Legal Attempt to End the Fabiani Farce,, Eh bored and tired of Netflix Amazon Prime etc They are all equally dishonourable. Those who openly support Sturgeon are as bad as those who realise the gravity of the situation, yet say and do nothing. More and more as these inquiries (sic) have gone on, along with repeated meddling deceitful statements (eg. The predecessor seat, Gordon, was held by the Liberal Democrats until Mr Salmonds victory in 2007. This could get confusing. He could not remember if any of the guests were carrying any injuries, and could not say whether any guest was drunk. I know it exists from personal experience . It has led to a personality-driven situation which has culminated in two sides falling out its been years in the making. Notably, some in the party are now discussing who is in line to replace Miss Sturgeon if she is forced out, or resigns in the wake of the findings of any of the ongoing inquiries. Lady Dorian ammends the order adding Of such complianers in the proceedings, with written reasons to follow. Especially Derek MacKay being touted as leader so soon before his fall from grace. Mr Salmond will stand down as Aberdeenshire East MSP next year following his election as the MP for Gordon in May. teachers charged with misconduct; kadiant learning login; how to calculate msf; black neighborhoods in pensacola fl; gary foley wife; alan davies qi salary All carefully choreographed which means theyre all equally guilty and due for a long rest away from the slimelight. Duh!! (Again, there are obviously exceptions to this; again were talking in probabilities and generalities). Sounds like a campaigning video, with a very firm attack on the nonsense Growth Commission. This site will be closed down if there is the slightest excuse. SHOCK. The source of her anger was not solely the fact that two newspapers had carried stories with fresh allegations about her dealings with Alex Salmond. Whos the woman next to the woman on Alex left? If I can see the current situation is legally farcical, then Im sure a Judge will too. But it is far more rare for their current boss to express that type of anger in front of them. After all thedramatic revelations at FMQs yesterday, something else really quite weird happened after everyone had stopped watching. No, not that kind, the vote-winning kind. Dial 0207 660 8149 and listen to request for your code which is 183 737 8571. Would you say he cheating on his wife Jennifer Dempsey? Mr Salmond has made it clear to friends that, if cleared of criminal activity, he would consider a return to politics. The 33-year-old, a special adviser to Mr Salmond. Backstabbing briefings and furious outbursts. That is just re-smearing Alex Salmond by the back door. So for me, its either staggering naivety or he had a wee plan cooked up himself which has backfired badly. All of which is, I daresay, all very well and good. Anyone got a view on how the Spectator case is going? It was the year of the NATO vote. On the BBC web site Salmond and Sturgeon: What is the controversy all about? is actually worth a read as a reminder of what the public see. He has served his constituents with passion and diligence both as their MSP and as first minister, which he is of course continuing for them at Westminster. Add Sturgeons admiration for Kissinger, Clinton and Lagarde and her very iffy foreign policy stance and you see a bigger picture. Theyre a dirty bunch Mr Wings. All this was facilitated by Jennifer Dempsie, lobbying for DF Concerts, but who happens to be an ex-Alex Salmond advisor who worked for the SNP and Yes Scotland, as well as partner of Angus . Kenny @11:29 Endorsement may have been refused because of this ,, SPADS 2018 Is Alex Salmond in reality thick as mince but just as good at fooling all of us, as the people now turning against him were as good at fooling him? But the First Ministers focus should be on independence she shouldnt be involved in any tit-for-tat and the people working for her shouldnt be getting involved in that. A former special adviser to Alex Salmond, Mrs Robertson was also involved in a cronyism row over Scottish Government funding to the T in the Park festival in 2015. . @Sylivia She helped run several election campaigns, was public relations manager for the pro-independence Yes campaign in the run-up to last years referendum, and is a former associate director at global communications agency Weber Shandwick. I think shes talking about you again, Rev. Salmond denies Hs allegations and has also pleaded not guilty to 13 other alleged sexual offences including a sexual assault against H in May 2014 and one of intent to rape involving another complainer, the Scottish legal term for a complainant. As a general rule and when it comes to gender one cannot avoid generalisation this is a kind of politics that, more likely than not, is more attractive to men than to women. Is there any hope this depressing shit show will be over any time soon? Regardless of our clashes of ideas they are trying to undermine our systems. People need to be VERY careful what they say at this point in time unless money to pay QCs hourly rates is of no object to them. At least back in time when it was Carmichael and Frenchgate the case was, as far as Westminster went, that a SPAD is governed by it too but in addition theyre actions are laid at the feet of their minister. . She has publicly defended a male-born trans woman who runs a Scottish rape crisis centre. Even if you ignore the bloody Braveheart wing of the party, the intellectual, cost-benefit analysis types within the SNP are ascetic number-crunchers, not the type of retail politicians best suited to the age. None of her ministers felt brave enough to ask questions about the impact this is having on the party or the Government. Miss Dempsie is 12 years his junior, an erstwhile senior aide to Alex Salmond who enjoyed a meteoric rise from press office intern to a key figure masterminding the Yes campaign ahead of last year's referendum. Im first and foremost a democrat. It is a Police matter. 2nd from the left is Stephen Gethins.. ex SNP MP for NE Fife ex advisor to Alex and voted in on the back of the 2014 indy campaign His office manager when he was an MP, worked for GCHQ and openly admitted this.. there is video evidence as proof. Once more, werein the uncomfortable position of agreeing with Jackie Baillie. she will be a source of great pride for wee Scotland. RT @gerry_mcsherry: Aberdeenshire East seat up for grabs. Write by: Judge is giving Spectator QC hard time. Just had a Stuart Nicolson memory. @Kat, yes spotted that higher up the comments, its still as interesting as its 2014. He regularly used to explode when confronted by negative newspaper headlines. The jury saw all of this and acquitted the man on all charges despite every dirty trick being deployed to rig a conviction, any conviction. Aberdeen Journals Ltd 2023. As the fallout from the Sturgeon-Salmond split grows ever more toxic, the battle lines over the future of the SNP are being drawn by Michael Blackley, Civil war: The 30-year friendship between First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and her former mentor Alex Salmond, inset, seems over. This is what the Fabiani Farce is really all about. From that photo, Alex Salmond obviously knows Stuart Nicolson well, so you MUST ask yourself, why was Alex Salmond involving himself with someone who worked for the Scottish Daily Mail? In 2011 it was a team vision but now theres a much larger team of people with different beliefs.., SPADS expenses etc 2020 Whats a heptagon cross, sounds interesting. Court adjourns until 1.30,, Alec Prentice says the Crown has no objections to the proposed change to the order in order to clarify the situation. Marks trial took place on the 7th of January 2021 where he was acquitted after the Court ruled there was no case to answer. @robertknight; Well done, sir; you are joining the dots. UK Angus Robertson marries partner Jennifer Dempsie. You need to sign up to a way to pay for your licence now, or you will lose the right to watch or record live TV on any channel or service, and download or watch BBC programmes on iPlayer at **** 1BD after 28 February 2021. Stephen Noon to right of Nicolson, now a Jesuit Priest, he was livid at how 2014 campaign was run. jennifer dempsie alex salmond jennifer dempsie alex salmond. bclc lotto app not working; signs your internship will turn into a job; mary suehr schmitz. What a joke. When it comes to such oppressions, post-colonial literature always points us in the direction of the bourgeoisie as the culprit. Could North Sea giant BP be a takeover target this year? Is Alex Salmond in reality thick as mince but just as good at fooling all of us, as the people now turning against him were as good at fooling him? My very limited experience of dealing with civil servants doesnt fill me with confidence in their abilities to think on their feet. You took the words right out of my mouth. Robertson's second wife, Jennifer Dempsie, is a former advisor to Alex Salmond. The head of Rape Crisis Scotland is a disgrace and in a proper world should be sacked for the comments theyve publically made. And 11,915 has been raised so far , so if anyone can spare any money in these difficult times please do so as this is a very important case for all of us who believe in freedom of speech in Scotland . When he left Bute House at about 11pm, H had remained in the building with Salmond. 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Talk about punching above your weight. Mist001, please fuckity fuckity fork orf you rancid small man syndrome creature. Hungary, Ukraine, Belarus and now Scotland. Privately, some in the Government also worry about losing their grip on Scottish politics at the next election and dread the prospect of one coming along before 2021. I so hope the legal challenge today means Alex is allowed to tell all at this mockery of a judicial committee. You know, the one that cracked after seeing your Addams-Family-Uncle-Fester visog so often. Jennifer Dempsie has entered the contest to succeed Salmond as the SNP candidate in Aberdeenshire East, it emerged yesterday. One minister admitted to this being a low point for the party and said that an early general election or an early Holyrood vote called as a result of failing to pass the Budget would cause serious problems. BLMac says @ 12:50 pm Whilst searching for info on Stuart Nicolson, I came across this. One thing I still dont understand is why our Parliament appears to be reliant on an English based political magazine to obtain an amendment to the original court order? I fear that the fiasco we see now is not just a domestic matter and strings are being pulled from Virginia( home of the security apparatus in US.) Maybe this helps re the Order change They try again eventually. Keep on pointing them out please and be cool with allies from anywhere. We now have corroborated witness testimony on the record that seems to directly contradict you know the rest. There are at least 3 plotters/accusers. This farce of an inquiry is now at rock bottom. Jennifer Dempsie, a special adviser to Mr Salmond when he was first . Nicola will get some very clever/judicious face and body/hair shaping, cosmetic adjustments and become glamourous without becoming too brassy or obviously altered. @Alan @Eileen shanda lear net worth; skullcap herb in spanish; wilson county obituaries; rohan marley janet hunt Jackie Baillie has been okish during this but she can f**k off with the above. Keep bring us the news Stu. But such is the state of the SNP in terms of membership loyalty and the cult of personality that I think I would be in a minority on that., He added: We are heading for trouble and the party membership dont realise it they are in a state of denial. Liz Lloyd in this photo who did she work for at this point in time? Her conclusions and recommendations are hardly surprising: more women in high . She will be lauded as an example for women everywhere, dragging herself out of modest working class origins to strut the avenues and boulevards of blessed America and join the cocktail circuit of Washington. But Aberdein cannot make any voluntary political action because of his current employment. But the questions kept coming and the fact that Mr Salmond appeared to be adding to them enraged her. It looks favourable to me. Off-camera came the audible respose that she could name them. let down by the courts/legal system has two purposes: 1) garner sympathy from women, #metoos in particular and 2) make it look like Salmond got away with it. In her weekly column in The Scotsman yesterday, Dempsie, a former special adviser to First Minister Alex Salmond, declares: "Cybernat. ALISON Youre right and also never underestimate in this debacle its not even a double cross more like a heptagon cross! It will be a tough act to follow, but if selected, I believe my experience at Holyrood, the Scottish Government, and as an advisor to the former first minister as well as working in PR and journalism in the private sector, willstand me in good stead to deliver on the priorities of the people of Aberdeenshire East.. Have to admit, Im not up on who all the personalities are in that photo grey men and women in suits dont do much for me and appear to trigger prosopagnosia. Id imagine the police would/should be interested. Her conclusions and recommendations are hardly surprising: more women in high-profile positions, a softening of language and the political rhetoric that many women (and men!) Its all become too complex, hasnt it. As Lallands Peat Worrier reminded us: On the constituency ballot, 41% of the male electorate supported the SNP, compared to only 32% of women voters. His first wife find out how it goes by the back door the times they attempted. 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