Well, I guess theres one thing that I really do need to talk about. I mean, Ive gone most of my life knowing my father left and its all my fault(starts crying) yeah my mom thinks I need someone to talk to, but I say I can just power through. Acting is an amazing thing. He had you all fooled. And because NASA doesnt believe me, or they think I ate too many Mars bars and am lacking oxygen, theyve dismissed it. Ill be out in a minute! Would you go back and be at least honest with her? By: Luis H., Age 14, Illinois, USA Description: A student interrupts the pledge to question what it means. Until next time, Anna. You are horrified. The only reason she does pageants anymore is in hopes that her dad will reach out to her. If its glory you seek, go home. Second Place Winner By: Yulianis Pesante Quinones, Age 14, Virginia, USA Gender: Any Genre: Dramatic Description: A teen reflects on the concept of darkness. (pause) Oh, I cant complain to him! Those are bad for me. Theyre also the reasons I walk against the flow of traffic, why I carry pepper spray in my pocket, and text my friends my location every time I go on a date. All rights reserved. Like when our families used to go to the beach together. He strode in a swarm of fireflies. I did not like the ending and that took down my rating a notch or two. Yes, you, the victim of the stabbing? Well, here you go. Hay, hes guapo! The next day when the computer asked me to order it food, I didnt question it and ordered that food right away. So, then she held up my coffee and acted all apologetic like everything was gonna be fine. You cant hear me? Shes natural, and I respect that. By: Maddie Hazeu, Age 14 From: Manitoba, Canada Description: A letter to a fallen soldier from a wife. THIS IS MY PUNISHMENT FOR SKIPPING THAT ONE LACROSSE PRACTICE-what?! By: Isabelle Bidal, Age 18, Ontario, Canada Description: A straight-A student finds themself in detention Genre: Comedic. I raced down to the basement and huddled with my sister. I used to be sort of an outcast and suddenly I had my first best friend! Over time I have just stopped paying attention to the other kids and focused on my family, but maybe this time, maybe this timeit will be different. They would run their hands over my rich, smooth mahogany surface, but no one bothered to actually open me up. I know, I know. Apparently too spiky. Now, young one, like everyone else, I wanted to fit in. This isnt happening. Oh, I dont think Im strong. I mean, Im not in art school or something, right?! I worry that his soul is not at rest. Well, if you cant see me now, you will see me rise and protest against the injustices of the people! Here you will find unforgettable moments, scenes and lines from all your favorite films. You would think thats all the bad things that can happen in one day, right? Sea levels. I mean, shrimp? I used to run outside all day and night before I came here. I put it on my bed. So thats how I got into that group. Look at all these scratches! Faith shouldnt get the lead because she did nothing special for her audition when I worked my butt off. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); One stop place to learn bout the acting industry and an actors career. But your voice sounds so sad sometimes that it frightens me. Jessie! Rule #3 You eat what I make, or you dont eat at all. Those two little words, I do. Everyone in this church is staring at me. Wellnow that I think of it, he did call me dramatic and loud. See heres the thing. I walked around and realized my mirror self was gone! That you mean far less than little to someone, someone who doesnt kiss the earth below you. Who would not want to have a penguin at home? Next thing I know, Im working for NASA. I went to get a spoon, but before I knew it, the door slammed, and he was gone. What they dunnot tell ye is that my gold is buried deep below. Yeah, Im okay. I am here. I was looking at myself in the mirror when my reflection started to waver. Oh! I want things too, but for now I have to be a mother to my brothers, fight suicidal thoughts, figure out how not to fear men, and try to sort out what normal means. It has all the elements of a TV movie-of-the-week tear-jerker: A white social worker, Margaret Lewin (Jessica Lange), adopts an African . A vote for me is a vote for a better prom. I know who I am, Im the queen of this place and there is nothing you can do to change that. OMG! SORRY? Oh, right okay! I know you havent gotten the chance to check their wall paint for dangerously high amounts of lead or check her bank statements, but I think shes pretty trustworthy! The shirt is too tight, or too loose, or not the right colour, and the pants are too rigid, or too short, or too everything. Gender: Any Genre: Comedic. I couldnt believe I just got pulled into my mirror by my own reflection! By: Hedy Z., Texas, USA, Age 17 Description: A utensil in a kitchen drawer has an identity crisis. Check system requirements. Stabbing people is not what fencing is about. Or, at least I was. cause hes definitely gonna ask me why I was going so fast. And now, there is something I need to say to you. What was I talking about Oh yeah, people ask what my biggest flaw is I guess Im just too strong. But if youre fed up with the powers that be, if youre sick and tired of being overlooked, if you want to see a Tammany Hall Junior High that reflects your needs if youre like me? And oh boy! There were women screaming for their children. We miss and love you so much. Who in their right mind would EVER find me attractive?! *sigh* Okay, then. By: Annelise M., New York, NY, Age 12 Gender: Female Genre: Dramatic Description: A mother tells her teenage daughters to stay in school and to not make the same mistakes she did. I know this sounds crazy, but. I shouldnt joke about that. Listen up guys I can break into any house anywhere, anytime, take whatever I want, in and out ten minutes no prints no evidence nothing. Little beds, little chairs, little tables. Hey parentals, siblings, comrades. We grew up with so little money and you wanna go back? (sigh) Could you stop yelling for help so much? I literally come home in tears, but nobody cares what I think. By: Nicholas Schaeffer, Age 12, Ontario Canada Description: : A nerdy kid asks his friend for advice on how he can talk to a girl he finds cute. Right about that time, unfortunately, a huge wage was forming, and was starting to come my way. If it wasnt for that stupid roadrunner trap that the old man had Id be in Brazil by now instead of here talking to you idiots. I've avoided watching the film for the longest time; at first it didn't appeal and then, as dad in a white couple with two adopted mixed race sons, I was disturbed by the premise. I threw him in the trash can. Great. By: Jefferson T., Cupertino, California, Age 16 Gender: Any Genre: Dramatic Description: A young man reminisces about his friend Sadako, and the thousand paper cranes she folded during the Atomic age. That would be so embarrassing. Amanda sits on her sister Isabels bed. ok, um, sure. (Pause.) Stay up-to-date on all the latest Rotten Tomatoes news! Wait a minute. Im not to give it some food and water, and send it off with a coupon for a free spa-day. I feel betrayed because you were taken from me too soon and Im just another person consumed by grief. What about the time that you lied to Elizabeth about never having dated Joelle and she found out and broke up with youbreaking your heart, really. He cant climb on his cat tower or practice jumping off the tower and landing on his feet. I stared dumbfounded at the mirror, thinking Im not moving, so why is my reflection moving? Suddenly, out of nowhere, my reflection reached out and grabbed me. You were the light of my life, the reason I would wake up in the morning. She likes this one band, Nirvana, and I swear you cannot understand a single word they are singing. Why? Hahaha!! When you moved in next door, I was so happy. It was summer. Al Pacino / Coach D'Amato: ( 02:53) I'll tell you this, in any fight, it's the guy who's willing to die, who's going to win that inch. Youre busy? And, youre screaming again. He said I was becoming a stranger to him. Only a few months till youre finally an adult. I got rid of them all, every last one! Thats disgusting! Instead, you drop it back in his trolly, swollen hand and say, uh, you can keep it.. Now it is all over because I made one mistake. Yells as he exits.) Ive dealt with that stuff on my own. I know that might sound ridiculous or perhaps it is, and I am the crazy one, but I feel it. Julius Caesar is one of the most well-known Shakespearian works. Gender: Any Genre: Comedic. Tinas dog, Fizzy (played by an actor), has just returned from the afterlife. And in a way, I love them. I will not cry. Various plates of half devoured frozen meals are lying about, beer bottles. So, I guess you could say Im ambitious. Here's my take on Halle Berry's performance in Losing Isaiah (1995). Dont even get me started with the trial. Vic, the sister who has come back, has returned by request of her sister, Ty. I heard about this kid over at West Union High who was a real nobody, and then one day, he jumped onto a moving train and now, like all the girls are after him, and its like hes some kind of daredevil superhero. Second Place Winner! But if some white mans store gets robbed, they will do everything they can to help. Grabs weights and does a few exercises to calm down.) Now Im here reminiscing and missing the times when we went to get frozen yogurt daily. Everything makes sense now. By: Emily McLaren, Age 14, Sydney, Australia Description: Medusa waits in her cave at the top of a mountain hidden from the world, until Perseus arrives with a sharp sword and shield. I have to live in the Under World for six months of the year as, um Queen of the Dead! This Shakespeare monologue, however, discusses death on another level. . Most of the time. Its your first day of Kindergarten youre in your brand-new shoes with a bright new backpack excited to make new friends. I could tell you all about my experience in the JROTC. I could tell him I was late for work. I was scared you werent going to be okay. And we did, for a while. Ill fidget and play with my hair. Youll find out mighty quick that Im a force to be reckoned with. Khaila Richards : Oh, so you're calling me an animal? Another time, I hacked his phone and looked through his mail and messages. Look, Hannah, I know you love him, but you have to get rid of that cat. Hes the one for me. Although Im nowhere near perfect, I still have a lot of work to do. Genre: Comedic. I figured it out when the teachers started pulling me aside and making special charts for me to help me finish my work. I remember drinking chocolate milk while she drank coffee. I have never killed a human in my life. Genre: Dramatic. Last month, I had to fire four slackers right after another because they were not what I was looking for. I cant even believe I just acted that out Anyway, Im the minor deity of lies and trickery. Ive spent so many nights staring out this same window looking at this same street lamp. I didnt think so. Can I be that for him, forever? But those splotches and blotches are a part of me. Over the years, Ive started to realize that in life I need to work as hard as I can just to survive, even though we never get paid enough to even eat. Velicity and Xander are in college now and they have class today. (Looks around the room.) I wonder and I wonder, and I know that you say its just my imagination. I felt pain and thenblack nothingness. Im so sorry! Even my little sister, who is only five. Ill have no escape. A pub in Clapham Junction, London. Genre: Comedic. I think shes trying to get me to snap at her so she can talk to me. Without Milton, I would never have escaped to New York. (Girl acts melodramatically) OMG! (Realizing.) Second Place Winner! I dont know, but Im this dogs parent now. So give a monster a break will ya? So, Dr. Broomfield is gone, huh? My skin color, for some strange reason, is a threat to you? Its not fair. Well, unfortunately Ive tried that already and they didnt buy it. Sometimes you dont even want the good compliments because they make you feel bad because you feel like what you wear shouldnt matter. I havent gone into the interview yet, you dont need to call me every two minutes! Oh, dont worry! (Female, Dramatic, Teens 20s) You recognize me. I remember waking up and crawling in her bed to warm up. She stretched out her arms, and my arms barely made it through the mirror surface, but my mom pulled me out! (Pulls flashcard out of her pocket and paces the room) Da da da da da. It was simple; we were given a kit, and supposed to grow yeast. I was a sophomore, and this whole high school thing? You could have informed me before Im in the middle of the ocean, Mr. President! If I fail my chemistry test today, or spill Pepsi on my dress at prom, or flunk my first job interview, or anything else that can and will go wrong in the next week, the same rain that is soaking through my socks right now will carry on. Im moving through each day basically feeling empty and alone. Not your enemy. By: Kallie Carter, Age 17, Georgia, USA Description: A young woman tells a co-worker about her lifetime of cheating. But like dont make it too expensive because my moms gonna make ME pay for it and I dont have that kind of money. With all my might, I swam upward. (Speaks like talking to a dog) Good boy. (Photo by Sunset Boulevard/Corbis via Getty Images) In honor of Women's History Month, we decided to look back at just a few of our favorite monologues by some of . I think we have some candles. I didnt like the way I looked through my glasses. And oh yeah, she likes the Rolling Stones. A fake. Theyre out there-in throngs, herds, flocks: the pigeons. Yes, you are alive, but sitting around in your house all day, starring at a tv, youre not experiencing anything except for whats next on Fuller House! You need to wake up from your fantasy world Ray. This fascination earned me the nickname Roach Girl after I caught a roach during class. Whether you jump, plummet it, tip or fall into it, is a whole other story though. In fact, Scripture asserts that Lucifer started . Then theyre like Oh, you can just wear high heels which is great advice because I love wearing shoes that make my feet feel like theyre on fire. People forget who I am and dont recognize me anymore for I have changed. The flag represents our country. (turns to face the groom) I DO! It was a normal day at the club, or what we call normal. Now Im forced to stay inside, just watching the nature that I used to prowl. She is standing alone, with only the coffin and the audience. Is thatohmyohmyTAMALES! What if you wake up every day feeling like you just want to disappear, sink into a cloud of nothing? Brick Top : Of course, fucking of course. Anyway, the third swines house looked at least legal, until I knock on the door and a dragon pops out! Wooo everyone goes insane. Ugh! I was so tired that I fell asleep in these beds.(Pause. But every time I try to do something with my teeth I get shooed out. She didnt even notice until I was in math. Windslow is my 80-year-old husband. I mean yeah I do have friends but ever since I was a kid books were my go to. My father was a great person, at least to most of you. Khaila's lawyer says, "black babies belong with black mothers." Dont blink. Sounds foolproof, right? Okay, Ill try to stay calm and explain. The best interest for the child no matter what color, is what is the best interest and stability for the child Seth Margolis' novel becomes middle-of-the-road drama about a white woman and her husband fighting a black woman in court over the custody of the black woman's baby son, whom she left in a dumpster two years prior to cleaning up her life as a homeless crack-addict. It was a kid books were my go to the basement and huddled my... That out Anyway, Im working for NASA they will do everything they can help!, Ontario, Canada Description: a utensil in a kitchen drawer has an identity crisis was scared you going! Self was gone realized my mirror by my own reflection you feel bad because you feel bad because feel! Mothers. Female, dramatic, Teens 20s ) you recognize me with her Illinois, USA Description: student... 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